Hello, I am Xiaochen Wang. Welcome to my home page.
I received my Master’s Degree at Fudan University. I’m a graduate student at FudanSELab.
In the past three years, I worked with Prof. Yijian Wu on software analysis and mining, especially code clone
I’m now a Research Development Software Engineer at ByteDance Ltd. I’m working for the Cloud *
team. I love writing codes and strive to write elegant codes without bugs.
Technologies I work with:
Language: Java
Skills: K8s
Here are some of my representative works:
CoolCar is an intelligent Android-based car app that mainly includes two sections: health information and environmental information. The app cleverly integrates the monitoring of the in-car environment and the owner’s health status, allowing owners to timely grasp their own health indicators as well as the in-car environment, avoiding safety accidents caused by health conditions. In case of emergency, it can also automatically call for help to ensure passenger safety.
PSACD is a parallel suffix array construction algorithm for code clone detection and it’s based on msufsort. It can fully utilize the CPU performance to carry out efficient code clone detection. This tool has been adopted internally by Huawei.
I enjoy solving algorithm problems. Here are some of my practice records, including LeetCode, Luogu, POJ and others. I got ‘Knight’ badge at leetcode 😭, I will try to get ‘Guardian’ badge one day. Let’s practice coding problems together!